Literacy &Language
Speaking & Listening
Children get the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions in most lessons. They are encouraged to talk using appropriate language and expression in order to make themselves understood by other children.
Reading & Phonics
Reading is done three times a week. Guided reading is also done on a weekly basis. A reading comprehension is done every week in class and spellings are tested on Thursdays. We encourage parents/guardians to try and read other text at home with children. Phonics is done at the start of every lesson.
We have one handwriting lesson per week in which we focus on perfecting a particular join each week. Children are encouraged to and should be using joined up writing in all their work.
Mathematical Development
Place-value-hundred, Tens and Units.
Addition / subtraction – how many are there? Write the missing numbers. Number bonds to 10- & 20.
Adding and subtracting multiples of 5 and 10.
Numbers to 1000 – counting on and back in ones, tens and hundreds.
Tally Charts – Making use of information o a tally chart.
Fractions – colouring in fractions, reading fractions and sharing.
Multiplication / dividing – 2, 5 and 10. Halving and doubling.
Directions – North, East, South and West.
Mental Arithmetic
Weekly mental arithmetic exercises will be reinforcing their mathematical development and the topics covered above. Please toe children take home study books with list required for the week. Tested on Thursdays.
Teeth and eating: children will learn that there are four types of human teeth – incisors, canines, premolars and molars and understand that most animals / humans have teeth for f4eeding. Understand that w4e need food to survive and that different foods have different purposes ie food groups.
Characteristics of materials: Children will learn to identify different materials (eg wood, plastic, metal, rubber, fabric, glass) and describe and understand their properties and uses.
History & Geography
History – Pre History
Trip to Era
St Michaels Cave
Geography – Maping skills
Points of the compass – NE, SE etc
Plan of school
Continents and Oceans
Countries and cities on maps
Creating weather maps
Developing ICT Skills
Combining text and graphics:
-using font size and type to produce different effects
-highlighting text, over typing and saving changes
-inserting a graphic from clip art file and resizing
Copying and pasting graphics from a CD ROM characters such as question marks
-centre, left and right aligning
Art & Design
Art: Collage work and colour.
D&T: making photo frames.
Physical Education
Dance / Gym: Children will be performing sequences including different speeds, levels and pathways. Balancing on apparatus and basic gymnastics.
Games: ball skills; catching, passing, bouncing and incorporating these into simple games.
Religious Education
The children will be getting ready for their first confession as part of the preparation to their Holy Communion.