The Foundation Stage
Reception: 4-5 year olds
When Children join us in Reception they follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum which covers the six areas of learning, these are:
Personal and Social Development
Children learn to share and play co-operatively. They will be encouraged to become more confident and independent and to become aware of other
peoples’ feelings.
Communication, Language and Literacy
Children will be encouraged to talk about their experiences and express themselves clearly. They will listen to stories and learn to follow the sequence of a story. They will be encouraged to draw, trace and write. Through these activities they begin to write their name and develop awareness of the different purposes of writing.
By the end of the Reception year, children will know how to form most of their letters and will begin to write simple sentences, using their knowledge of letter – sounds to spell and read words. At the appropriate stage in the child’s development, keywords and reading strategies will be introduced.
Children learn to count, sort, and order, compare measurements and describe patterns and shapes. By the end of the Foundation Stage, they will be able to write and read numbers. The emphasis is on practical activities and the development of the language of mathematics.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Children talk about what they see, feel, hear and taste. They look for similarities, differences and investigate how things work. They are encouraged to make discoveries with different materials, including sand and water and to design and make models. Children also have access to computers.
Physical Development
Children develop coordination and control through outside play and regular PE sessions. They use tools and equipment with increasing control.
Creative Development
Children’s imagination and creativity are developed through a variety of art, music, dance and role play activities.
As children move from Reception into Year 1 and until they leave us at the end of Year 3, we will follow the National Curriculum and QCA schemes of work.